Civil Protection throughout history: from 1992 to 2020

From the establishment of the National Civil Protection Service to Covid-19

Past Event
February 1992

The birth of the National Civil Protection Service

Comitato Operativo della Protezione Civile anni Novanta

February 24, 1992. Law No. 225 establishes the National Civil Protection Service, which is responsible for "protecting the integrity of life, property, settlements and the environment from damage or the threat of damage resulting from natural disasters, catastrophes, and other calamitous events."

Past Event
September 1997

The earthquake of Umbria and Marche

Squadre al lavoro dopo il terremoto del 26 settembre 1997 in Umbria e nelle Marche (Foto del Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco)

September 26, 1997. A earthquake of magnitude 5.5 strikes central Italy. It is the beginning of a seismic sequence that affects Umbria and Marche for months, with considerable damage and losses to the historical and artistic heritage.

Past Event
March 1998

Protezione civile e sussidiarietà

March 31, 1998. Legislative Decree no. 112 redesigns the structure of civil protection, considered a subject of shared competence.

Past Event
May 1998

The flood of Sarno and Quindici

La frana di Sarno, in provincia di Salerno, del maggio 1998 (Foto del Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco)

May 5, 1998. The Sarno emergency led to a decisive change in the approach to hydrogeological risk, strengthening the monitoring and surveillance of events.

Past Event
July 1999

The establishment of the Civil Protection Agency

July 30, 1999. With Legislative Decree no. 300 the functions of the Department are transferred to the Civil Protection Agency.

Past Event
November 2001

Major events and emergencies abroad

Sri Lanka, scarico degli aiuti da un Canadair italiano dopo il maremoto del 26 dicembre 2004

The 2001 and 2005 Acts recognize major events and overseas emergencies among the Department's responsibilities.

Past Event
December 2002

Il maremoto di Stromboli

Maremoto di Stromboli del 28 dicembre 2002

Il 28 dicembre 2002 il vulcano Stromboli inizia un’attività effusiva che interessa la Sciara del Fuoco e che, due giorni dopo, genera una frana di circa 16 milioni di metri cubi.

Past Event
April 2009

The Abruzzo earthquake

Villa Sant'Angelo, L'Aquila - Squadre impegnate in attività di ricerca e soccorso in seguito al terremoto in Abruzzo del 6 aprile 2009

April 6, 2009. A earthquake of magnitude 6.3 hits the territory of L'Aquila and Abruzzo: it is the first time, after the seismic disaster in Calabria-Messina in 1908, that a city is so hard hit by an earthquake.

Past Event
May 2012

The earthquake in Northern Italy

Concordia sulla Secchia, Modena, 2012 - Danni agli edifici provocati dal terremoto del 20 maggio

20 and 29 May 2012. The earthquakes hit the North of Italy affecting production activities and cultural heritage.

Past Event
July 2012

The National Service Reform

July 12, 2012. Act 100 reforms the National Service 20 years after its establishment.

Past Event
August 2016

Il terremoto in Centro Italia

Amatrice, Rieti - Squadre impegnate in attività di ricerca e soccorso dopo il terremoto del 24 agosto 2016

24 agosto 2016. Un terremoto di magnitudo 6.0 colpisce Abruzzo, Lazio, Marche e Umbria. Migliaia le persone coinvolte nell'evento che provoca 299 vittime, feriti e danni gravi sul territorio.

Past Event
January 2018

The Civil Protection Code

January 2, 2018. Act 1 reaffirms a polycentric National Service model and aims to ensure smooth, effective, and timely operations.