Civil Protection throughout history: from 1992 to 2020

From the establishment of the National Civil Protection Service to Covid-19

Past Event
February 1992

The birth of the National Civil Protection Service

Comitato Operativo della Protezione Civile anni Novanta

February 24, 1992. Law No. 225 establishes the National Civil Protection Service, which is responsible for "protecting the integrity of life, property, settlements and the environment from damage or the threat of damage resulting from natural disasters, catastrophes, and other calamitous events."

Past Event
November 1994

The Piedmont flood

Alluvione del Piemonte del 5-6 novembre 1994 (Foto dell'Arma dei Carabinieri)

During the night of November 5th and 6th, 1994, a devastating flood strikes the provinces of Cuneo, Asti, and Alessandria along the Tanaro River and the Vercelli area along the Po River. In total, 68 people lose their lives, hundreds are injured, and numerous towns suffer damage and isolation.

Past Event
September 1997

The Umbria and Marche earthquake

Squadre al lavoro dopo il terremoto del 26 settembre 1997 in Umbria e nelle Marche (Foto del Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco)

September 26, 1997. An earthquake of magnitude 5.5 strikes central Italy. It is the beginning of a seismic sequence that affects Umbria and Marche for months, with considerable damage and losses to the historical and artistic heritage.

Past Event
March 1998

Civil protection and subsidiarity

March 31, 1998. Legislative Decree No. 112 redefines the structure of civil protection, which is considered a subject of shared competence: regions and local authorities are responsible for all functions except for the "tasks of national relevance of the Civil Protection System."

Past Event
May 1998

The Sarno and Quindici flood

La frana di Sarno, in provincia di Salerno, del maggio 1998 (Foto del Corpo Nazionale dei Vigili del Fuoco)

May 5, 1998. The Sarno emergency leads to a crucial change in the approach to hydrogeological risk, resulting in strengthened monitoring and surveillance efforts.

Past Event
July 1999

The birth of the Civil Protection Agency

July 30, 1999. Legislative Decree No. 300 transfers the Department's functions to the Civil Protection Agency, subject to the supervision of the Ministry of the Interior.

Past Event
November 2001

Major events and emergencies abroad

Sri Lanka, scarico degli aiuti da un Canadair italiano dopo il maremoto del 26 dicembre 2004

The laws of 2001 and 2005 restore the Department of Civil Protection within the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, assigning to it, among other responsibilities, major events and emergencies abroad.

Past Event
October 2002

The tragedy of San Giuliano di Puglia

Tragedia di San Giuliano di Puglia del 31 ottobre 2002

October 31, 2002. An earthquake with a magnitude of 5.7 hits Molise and parts of Puglia. At 11:32 a.m., the earth trembles, causing 30 deaths, about 100 injuries, and nearly 14,000 homeless. The worst-hit municipality is San Giuliano di Puglia, in the province of Campobasso, where the quake leads to the collapse of the "Francesco Jovine" nursery, elementary and secondary school.

Past Event
December 2002

The Stromboli tsunami

Maremoto di Stromboli del 28 dicembre 2002

December 28, 2002. The Stromboli volcano begins an effusive activity that affects the Sciara del Fuoco and, two days later, generates a landslide of about 16 million cubic meters.

Past Event
April 2009

The Abruzzo earthquake

Villa Sant'Angelo, L'Aquila - Squadre impegnate in attività di ricerca e soccorso in seguito al terremoto in Abruzzo del 6 aprile 2009

April 6, 2009. An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.3 hits the L'Aquila-Abruzzo area. This is the first time since the 1908 Calabria-Messina earthquake that a city is so severely affected by an earthquake.

Past Event
November 2011

The Genoa flood

Alluvione di Genova del 4 novembre 2011 (Foto del Comune di Genova)

November 4, 2011. Near Mount Portofino, a storm system builds up and reaches Genoa by late morning. Rainfall mainly concentrates in Valle Sturla, Val Bisagno, and the eastern side of Val Polcevera.

Past Event
January 2012

The Costa Concordia shipwreck

Isola del Giglio, 21 gennaio 2012 - Uomini e mezzi impegnati nelle operazioni di soccorso dopo il naufragio della nave da crociera Costa Concordia

13 January 2012. The Costa Concordia cruise ship, carrying more than 4,000 people on board, begins to take on water after colliding with "Le Scole" rocks and tilts near the island of Giglio.

Past Event
May 2012

The earthquake in Northern Italy

Concordia sulla Secchia, Modena, 2012 - Danni agli edifici provocati dal terremoto del 20 maggio

20 - 29 May 2012. Earthquakes hit the North of Italy, affecting production activities and cultural heritage.

Past Event
July 2012

The National Service reform

July 12, 2012. Law No. 100 reforms the National Service 20 years after its birth.

Past Event
August 2016

The earthquake in Central Italy

Amatrice, Rieti - Squadre impegnate in attività di ricerca e soccorso dopo il terremoto del 24 agosto 2016

August 24, 2016. An earthquake of magnitude 6.0 hits Abruzzo, Lazio, Marche and Umbria. The event affects thousands of people and has serious consequences in terms of victims, injuries and damage to the territory.

Past Event
January 2018

The Civil Protection Code

January 2, 2018. Legislative Decree No. 1 restates a multicentric National Service model that promotes smooth, effective, and prompt operations.

Past Event
January 2020

The Covid-19 pandemic

Pandemia Covid-19 2020

January 31, 2020. A state of emergency is declared to deal with the health risks related to the spread of Covid-19.