National Service

L'Aquila, 2009 - Attività di ricerca e soccorso delle strutture operative in seguito al terremoto del 6 aprile 2009

Italy is among the countries most exposed to natural and man-made risks. For this reason, it is essential to have a system that ensures the possibility to intervene quickly and efficiently in emergencies, but also to prevent and, as far as possible, foresee possible disasters.

For this reason, in Italy, civil protection is not a task assigned to a single administration but rather a function attributed to an integrated system, composed of public and private, central and territorial structures, which operate to ensure safety throughout the country: the National Service, established in 1992 with Law No. 225 and reformed in 2018 by the Civil Protection Code.

Roma, 2020 - Riunione del Comitato Operativo per l'emergenza Coronavirus

Prediction and prevention of risks, emergency management and relief are the activities of civil...

Comitato operativo preparazione esercitazione stretto di Messina
Central boards

The Major Risks Commission and the...

Riunione Sindaci Anci

Referred to in Article 4 of the Civil Protection Code

Amatrice, Rieti - Attività di ricerca e soccorso dopo il terremoto terremoto del 24 agosto 2016
Operating structures

Referred to in Article 13 of the Civil Protection Code.

Firenze, 1966 - Alluvione

All major emergencies that marked the history of Italian Civil Protection

Medaglia d'oro al valore civile 2017

Medals awarded to the Department rewarding the National Service